Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Hero of the week: A 102-year-old

IMAGINE you're 101, and living in a 'home for the elderly'. Which is called the Nunnery.

The staff come over to you shortly before your 102nd birthday, and ask you what you want.

Well, it's a safe bet that the staff wouldn't expect you to turn around and say 'a stripper.'

But all credit to Gwen Dorling, the Norfolk (very)OAP who turned 102 on Monday and asked for exactly that - a stripper!

And all credit to the staff, for lining one up. Whether it was a private display or a public one in the common room isn't reported on the BBC's website - but I can imagine it would make for an interesting health and safety report if another bystander with a dickey heart ended up in hospital because she saw a bit too much 20-something flesh!

Anyone, I hope that by the time I'm 102, should I get to that age, a) I'm still compus-mentus enough to demand a stripper, b) still have the eyesight to enjoy it and c) have become one of those old men able to turn a smutty comment into a 'sweet remark by an old man' just because I round it off with a gummy smile!

You go Gwen!

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