Saturday, December 30, 2006

You'll like this Paul - but not a lot

RATHER like newspapers filling their pages with 'reviews of the year' between Christmas and New Year to fill space, ITV has taken to filling its airtime with 'best of' programmes.

Some have been quite amusing - but not for the reasons intended.

Take 'Best Ever Spitting Image,' last night. Among the great and the good Talking Heads on the programme was Paul Daniels, who was repeatedly mocked on sketches including 'One Man and His Wig.'

He could handle that, could PD, but he discovered the programme's 'dark side' when the sketches included him ripping open wife Debbi Magee's dress and nuzzling into her every week.

He argued that once something loses its credibility, it is no longer worth watching.

And he said it without a trace of irony too.

Because Paul Daniels himself knows there is life after credibility. It's called Celebrity X Factor.

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